Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Weed or Perennial?

 I need some help identifying plants in garden beds.  Can't tell what is a weed or a perennial.





also #4 on other side of fence.

#5 - this is the one I thought was asparagus coming up.

#6 I think this is a spider wort.

#7 This appears in the wildflower book as in poppy family - Celandine.

Whatever help you can give is greatly appreciated.


  1. ...I don't know what #1 is, but it's a weed to me. I dig it up!

  2. The first plant picture looks like it might be common phlox, the wild ones which bloom a purple/mauve
    color. I have some in the back of a far away flower bed and they do add a touch of tall color in that corner.

  3. Wish I have some ideas about plants!
    The yellow flowers are pretty.

  4. I'd wait and see on all of them.

    I put a white iris root in the mail for you yesterday.

  5. #6 looks like spiderwort but I’ve never seen a white one.
    #4 artemisia or tansy
    Are you friends with Connie from Far Side of Fifty? She’s a genius at plants! I’m sure she would help.
    #3 Might be coral bells.


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