Thursday, April 1, 2021

From the Barn

 I've set aside items from the barn that I plan to repurpose but the barn still gives us more.

Windows galore.

I selected two for mounting on the fence.  Not shown here but safely stored in barn.

I selected a door similar to this one also to repaint and mount on the fence.

Daughter Emily selected one like these to make into a headboard.  I saw one advertised on Etsy for $900!

I've used two shutters to make Spring signs so far.  I have one of the large ones to make an angel and  three of the smaller ones for other seasonal signs. 

We have a local twice weekly email newsletter around here and I've posted these items with photos and descriptions as giveaways. Someone will want them don't you think?


  1. What a wonderful bunch of treasures from your barn. Does it never end???

  2. They will be snapped up in no time. It's the barn that just keeps giving.

  3. That barn sure has a lot of old goodies and, yes, I think that if you post about these items most likely someone will find a use. There are a lot of creative folks there. That door should make an interesting headboard and for less than $900 for sure! Sending our best wishes to you and your family for a Happy Easter Weekend, Marcia & Dan.

  4. I am pretty sure that there will be takers.


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.