Saturday, March 6, 2021



Granddaughter is enamored with Star Wars and since she likes to do puzzles like I do, she brought over a box with 6 that have that holographic effect.  She had done the one on the right at home and we worked some on the one on the left.  I ended up finishing it but it wasn't easy.

Emily had been to the thrift shop and picked up two more puzzles for me.  I opened the Penguins one and tried and tried to even get the border done.  When granddaughter came over with her dad who also likes puzzles they gave up pretty fast.  I gave up too.  Just look at the photo on the cover, you wouldn't think it would be difficult, but it's too much of the same colors.  It will go back to the thrift shop for someone else. Actually it didn't look like it had been put together before.

I purchased this one from Shutterfly made from a photo of our barn.  Granddaughter took it home and completed it.  It will be my turn next.

But first I'm working on this one also purchased at the thrift shop.

It looks easy from the photo but look at the size of the pieces.

No bigger than a penny and all shaped the same.
It's also small.

I managed to get all the edge pieces, though on the left edge I had some in the wrong spot - they really looked like they fit there but then other pieces didn't fit into them.

I'm sorting by color to help figure out where pieces go.  No one's come over to help yet with this one, but they are always welcome.

When spring finally comes, puzzles will be relegated to evenings since there will be lots to do as I get back to gardening again.


  1. I admire anyone who has the patience to do jigsaw puzzles. Have you ever tried Wentworth puzzles? The ones with whimsies?

  2. Jigsaw puzzles have provided so many with endless hours of enjoyment and frustration as well. But, I have only done a few and that’s been in recent years. One of the drawbacks is that here in the apt we do not have an area or table that could be set aside for puzzles. The penguin one would definitely have been one for us😀

  3. We are not puzzle people here, but I can see how they would make for a good winter and pandemic passtime.

  4. Strangely enough, I haven't done a single puzzle during covid time. I don't have a smooth tabletop, which is my excuse...though I just realized the desk could probably work. Anyway, congrats on solving the ones you have...many hours and good eyes! I salute you!

  5. Who would have thought that penguins could be so uncooperative? I avoid puzzles as I remember my father getting so engrossed that he sat up half the night trying to complete them.

  6. I'm not good with puzzles(not spatial) and don't have the patience for them. I wish I did since pandemic times are perfect for that pursuit.

  7. My husband has made a ton of puzzles, but then my son sent a puzzle with 3,000 pieces. He has NOT opened that box yet. I think it is too daunting.

  8. I have gotten puzzles from ... wonderful choices in various sizes! I look for the ones on sale and you can have an option of free shipping or getting a free puzzle. My neighbor, across the hall, and I have been putting puzzles together like crazy and once done, they get taken apart and put in our little library down on the first floor so other folks in the building can work them, as well.

  9. I tried to do online puzzles, but missed the satisfaction of how it feels when the pieces come together.

  10. I think you discovered the reason the penguin puzzle was at the thrift store! Paul gave me three puzzles in tubes, all Van Gogh paintings, and the puzzle pieces are smaller than my little fingernail. Impossible!


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