Monday, February 15, 2021

Random Notes from Here

The paperwhite I wrote about on the 13th has opened up.

I've added some other plants to the house.  My Valentine's Day presents selected by me from Home Depot.  Above is what I call Mother-in-law Tongue.  And below is a ZZZ plant.  I had one of those at the last house we owned in Maryland and found it to be an easy plant to care for.

The poinsettia from Christmas is still doing fine.  It likes its placement in the front window.

In other news, we have a team in the cellar replacing support poles.  The inspection report described what was there as temporary supports.  We had Lyle Parry come and take a look and yes, they were temporary so 4 permanent ones are being installed.  There's another construction crew due today too, to dig up the dirt half of the cellar and prep it for concrete flooring.  Needed for radon mitigation.

An old house requires work!  We have had locksmith, plumber, appliance repairman, and HVAC so far.  Electricians due next week.

The third puzzle since we moved here is almost done.  This one only has 500 pieces.

And the last newsy note is that I got on a pair of snowshoes last week and took a walk across the field and back.  It was fun but slow going because you have stay aware of where your feet are so you don't step on the snowshoe.  I managed to stay upright the whole time.  These were daughter's snowshoes.  I hope to have some more fun in the snow this week after the big snow comes through.  Let's hope we stay north of the sleet and freezing rain line.



  1. Loved seeing your winter plants...and hearing about your snowshoe adventure! I know my son in CO has some, and between that and cross country skiing, they do enjoy some outdoor time when not working. He's currently working in the high school, since it's open now.

  2. I'm not good with indoor plants so I'm lost in admiration of your still living poinsettia. Impressive! I've always wanted to try snowshoeing.

  3. ...when you own an old house you are on a first name basis with repairmen.

  4. That's a lot of workmen through your home in a relatively short time. Hopefully you will have finished all the major work by the time summer arrives.

  5. Are we allowed to call it Mother-In-Law's tongue in these politically correct times? No use for snowshoes here, though some mudshoes would come in handy now that it's warmed up again! The daffodils in my backyard might start to grow again too, having been stopped in their tracks by the recent colder snap.

  6. Enjoy the snowshoeing. I used to enjoy it and still would except my body now protests.

  7. You are so right, Marcia, an older home does require maintenance and care. Hopefully, once all the current repairs are done you will be set for many years of enjoyment. We enjoyed snowshoeing the first couple of years after relocating here and could not wait to get our own sets, which sadly have been dormant the past 2 years. Yes, I always had to make sure I wasn't stepping on one. Your new plants look very nice.

  8. I loved my snowshoes in Minnesota and used them often. You will get used to the way you have to walk. I hear you about old houses — we just had estimates for three necessary projects yesterday. Gulp! Maybe we should just move .... Your plants look lovely, especially that spring-y narcissus.

  9. We really like Ravensburger puzzles. They are very well made. I remember Mother-in-law Tongues as being good indoor air purifying plants.


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