Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Some Laughs

 Just a quick stop in to post these laughs I got from my friend Marilyn.  Packing and moving going well. We have moved 99% of what we planned to move and the furniture the movers will take on Monday.  Back very soon.


  1. ...when you lose your sense of humor, you've lost everything.

  2. Humor is truly the best medicine. Thank you!

  3. I love 'em all. But I especially endorse the last one. That could be tragic!

  4. Good luck with your move. Your sense of humour is obviously still intact.

  5. It seems that you move is going well enough that you haven't lost your sense of humour.

  6. I love them all ... especially that last one! Oh ... and the 26 kids! LOL
    Happy to read your move is coming along nicely ... thanks for the quick update!

  7. I love the panda one! Glad you are almost packed and ready to go. That’s a lot of boxes.

  8. Great moving plan...you can tell you've done this before! I loved the Panda one...Pandemic! Considering we've dealt with it for 9 months, I'm glad there are still funny spots in considering it.

  9. Oh gosh! These are hilarious! Thank you for the chuckles.


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