Thursday, December 17, 2020

New Decade

 Today marks my 70th birthday!

My youngest sister sent this beautiful bouquet that arrived at our door before dinner. It's sitting on a table that once graced the living room in our house in Columbia. (We moved from there in 2003.) Our daughter had the table in her kitchen until they renovated.  She gave it back to us to use as a work table in the kitchen.  It had been taking up space in her attic.

Our great room extends beyond the kitchen.  The shade covering the slider doors on the left is down.  It requires two people to put it up and down.

We still have some boxes to unpack, stored presently in the guest room.  We need to be here awhile before we decide where the pictures go on the walls.

Wonderful to be here in a new home in New Hampshire. 

The new chapter continues to be written.

New header photo taken this morning from my desk window looking out on the side of the great room toward the barn.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wishing you a Happy Birthday ... my goodness the day came all frosted in white icing ... just for you!!
    Your new home looks so warm and cozy!! Thanks for sharing it with us!!

  3. ...Happy Birthday, mine was last week. Thanks for the glimpse of your new home.

  4. Wow, lots of snow! The new place is already looking homey. 70 is the new 50! :)

  5. That’s a special birthday number! Happy birthday, Marcia! I was thinking about you and wondering if you were getting hit by the snow storm. Your new home looks beautiful with your things in it. You will be all cozy and normal by Christmas it looks like.

  6. Happy Birthday to you, Marcia, and that's a good year which I well remember myself! Your home is looking very nice and how wonderful to be ll moved in before this snowstorm. We have enjoyed watching it all day from safely inside as well.

  7. Forgot to add that the floral arrangement is lovely to see.

  8. Ooh, I didn't check blogs yesterday so I missed your special day! I hope it was a lovely day for you. Your new home looks gorgeous!

  9. Happy belated birthday. It's the beginning of a wonderful decade (I'm going to be 79 this next year). Your home is lovely, and thanks so much for sharing it's warmth with us. Hope the weather settles a bit for a while, and you enjoy the holidays.

  10. Happy Birthday! Your new home is gorgeous!

  11. Happy, happy day to you, though belated! What a nice birthday present to be in a new house, in a new state, near your beloved family!
    You have a barn!!! I love it. Everything I've seen of your house is wonderful. So happy for you.


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