Monday, June 22, 2020

Catching Up

I'm just home yesterday from two weeks in Buffalo providing child care for youngest granddaughter while daughter and son in law worked from home.  They have newly moved too so life has been super crazy for them.

My decision to go help came quickly on Monday June 8th in an afternoon phone call.  Got off the phone , packed, transplanted perennials that I had been babysitting since they moved north last July and Dan drove me to Buffalo.  We arrived just before 11 pm and Dan turned around and drove home arriving at 5:30 am.  Technically he should have had to quarantine but kept a low profile anyway. Sunday the 14th he drove back because he was bored, tired of the food, and I needed his help with entertaining an almost 3 year old. 

We had planned to visit there anyway for the Father's Day weekend so the trip was not unexpected just the timing of my going and the length of our stays. We also planned to celebrate birthday #3 with her so came prepared with presents.  Her July birthday will correspond to our move.

Watching 30 minutes PBS' Daniel Tiger was a daily occurrence.  She knows all the songs and sings them at appropriate times.

As I said we got back yesterday and now are in quarantine. All the posts I had scheduled will go on until our move.

Once settled I'm going to rename this blog and have a new look!  Stay tuned!

p.s. I'll still be reading your comments as they come in to email.  I'll try to visit your blogs too.


  1. As you say, you have been one busy lady! Hope you got my last letter.

  2. glad you had a lovely visit! Stay calm in this final leg of the move! :)

  3. I had thought that you might have moved already. Glad you had an extended visit.

  4. Sorry I've been so bad at communicating lately.... Retirement is supposed to be a time when we are supposed to have MORE time... Duh---wonder why that is not true!!!! ha

    I have kept up with you and your upcoming move. Are you moving back into a big unit like you are in now??? I don't think George and I would like living like that.... I would be happy with my own place--maybe like a Condo.... Right now, we're staying where we are!!!!! We love it here. However, the yardwork is getting too much for both of us... We need to start cutting down and hiking more help with the weeds, etc...

    Bet you are excited to move closer to the kids/grands. Glad you could be there to help out... Crazy times we live in!!!!!

    Take care, my Friend.

  5. Your timing was on target to get to not only help out but celebrate a Father’s Day and an early birthday. Blogs can wait, special times with family cannot more so now than ever. Glad you had a safe and enjoyable trip.

  6. And I’ve been two weeks in Florida taking care of my 93 year old mom! I had to laugh when you said you needed help entertaining your 3 year old because I felt the same way, trying to keep up with things with my mom and contemplated that it was similar to whenI had small children! I’m sure your helP was much appreciated by your daughter. Good luck with your upcoming move.


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.