Monday, March 23, 2020

The Latest

1.  The governor of Maryland has ordered non-essential businesses to close as of 5 pm today.  We had already heard from our dentist and eye doctor that they would only deal with emergencies.  Don't know if they will have to close further.

2. Here we now need to take our temperatures in the morning and fill out a sheet with listings of symptoms.  Check any symptoms we have or the box no symptoms.  We put it back in the envelope and leave out on our shelf by 10:30 am.  We'll get another sheet later in the day for the next morning.

3. Dan inquired and just got word that we can checkout some weights for exercising in our apartments.  That's good news.  I used the community app to do two fitness programs this morning.  Weights will be a help to keep fit.

4.  My brother in law in Charlottesville suburbs, who I wrote had the symptoms of Covid-19, learned from test results that it was not influenza A.  He was not tested for coronavirus!  I'd take from that he did/does have it.  His case doesn't appear in the count.  Dan says he read the real count is 10 times what we read.  Now I understand why since many people are getting it but not tested.

5.  I've decided that to keep away the blues I need to keep to my old routines and modify as needed.  Like since no Muscle Toning class to attend now use that time to do the online exercise.  I'm also making a list of what to accomplish in the day so I can feel productive.  Writing this blog post is on the list and will cross it off as soon as this is posted.

Here's another funny to close:


  1. A post a day is something to aim for and helps us all to stay in touch. It has just been announced a couple of minutes ago that we are not allowed to leave the house for the next 3 weeks unless it is for food or medicines. All other shops selling non essential goods are closed. All libraries, playgrounds etc will also close. Pubs, restaurants, theatres, gyms etc are already closed. That is what we have been doing anyway. I think I told you that I moved in with my daughter last week when due to her chronic illness.

  2. ...local and state leaders are the ONLY ones getting this right!

  3. They are watching carefully at your residence. It must be reassuring at this time.

  4. It's great that they're monitoring you all. I worry about those seniors here who are not watched carefully. Actually, my husband's job as a volunteer on Meals on Wheels is to check on people. It's kind of scary though. I'm glad my son and his wife in Maryland are able to work from home, though it's not easy.


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.