Monday, January 6, 2020

Who Are You?

Periodically I look at my stats on this blog and come away shaking my head with wonder.

Where are all the page views coming from?

Who are these people viewing my blog but not leaving a comment?

I wonder too if I've been hacked in some way.

Are you a viewer but not a commenter?  Show yourself, please.


  1. ...if you are confused, you are in good company!

  2. I leave comments, it seems friendly, and I love comments on my blog and receive lots of comments. That is a large number of people reading your blog in the Ukraine, something seems off about that. Here's to a blessed 2020 for you and yours.

  3. I was just looking at my stats and wondering the same thing! When I read a blog, it seems polite to leave a comment and join in somehow, but it looks like most people who look at my blog don’t have the same opinion.

  4. I enjoy reading your blog but I'm not very good at commenting 😳

  5. Tom - glad to hear I'm not alone in confusion.
    Terra - Thanks for stopping by occasionally.
    Cynthia - I agree when you read a blog on a regular basis, it seems polite to comment once in awhile.
    Jane - thanks for speaking up about reading my blog. I hope I hear from others who stop by quietly.

  6. Yes, I am one who reads and does not comment. I have about 20 bloggers on my reading list who I love following because they are interesting.

  7. Robots, I'd guess. Though I can't imagine why.

  8. I haven't looked at my stats in almost forever.

  9. Monalisa - thanks for revealing yourself.

    Nan - you may be right about the robots.

  10. I know I have a number of people who read my blog but choose not to register with google to allow them to comment. People I have met on my travels tend to follow me in this way.

  11. Guilty as charged, not a robot! I do enjoy reading your blog.

  12. I blither along reading blogs, then checking their blog lists. If there is a blog with a title that sounds interesting, I read it. Pretty much NEVER leave a comment, I feel that no one cares what I have to say about anything... :)

  13. Joyce F and WendyfromNY - at least its good to know that there are folks out there reading my blog not just flicking through. Feel free to comment again even briefly. I do appreciate comments.

  14. I, too, read many, many blogs, hopping from list to list! I rarely comment, because I feel I am intruding! I enjoy reading so many blogs - they make me think, laugh, feel, and wonder - could I write a blog? Karla from Illinois


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.