Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Illusive Birds

I try to take photos with the iPhone but the quality is not great.

I walked Wilde Lake this morning and happened upon a woman with a telephoto lens.  I asked what she was seeing and the response was an oriole's nest.  Now if you know Baltimore orioles (not the baseball team) you know they build a hanging basket nest.

She showed me where it was high in the trees.  I could just see it but when I took photos, nothing is there.

Here's the zoom in.  Still nothing to see.

Farther down the path I spied a bluebird.  My photos looks like modern art - fuzzy.

A robin joined the bluebird.

Now I took this last one for Margaret.  She shared a robin photo on her blog not too long ago.  UK robins look different that American robins.

So what am I doing wrong with the iPhone photos?