Monday, October 1, 2018

Problem Solved!

A big thank you to Betsy of Joyful Reflections who was experiencing the same  problem as I was - not being able to comment on most blogs because I wasn't recognized as signed in to Google.

She wrote that she experienced the same thing.  She has been doing some marvelous sleuthing and found that she just needed to change preferences in Safari.

I went to Safari to experiment and unchecked the box above "Prevent cross-site tracking". 

Lo and behold that made a difference.  On my own blog page I'm shown as signed in and that continues on other blogs too.


Thank you to Marie of After 60 the Next 10 for being willing to change her comment selection to a pop up window so I could comment.

Thanks to everyone who commented hoping I resolved my problem.


  1. So glad both of us got it worked out.... IF anyone else is on SAFARI---they may need to do the same thing.. Easy FIX --once we figured it all out!!!!!


  2. Wow! There’s so much to learn and figure out. What the heck is cross site tracking anyway?

  3. I just checked on my safari settings and have the preventing cross site tracking thing on. It hasn’t prevented me from commenting though. However, there have been a couple of bloggers that keep showing that their comments are closed. I don’t know if it’s me or them.

  4. Glad you have sorted it. I will change my settings back and hopefully it won't make any difference now.

  5. Hi! I'm unable to click on your comment to answer you, unfortunately. You appear as a No Reply blogger. You asked where I ate boa constructor. When I was 19 years old, I worked with Wycliffe Bible Translators for a year as a short term assistant in Bolivia, SA. It was an amazing year full of unique experiences!! I loved every minute!!


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.