Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Willard Chapel

At the end of April we headed north to see family with a stop over in Auburn, NY.  One of the reasons for stopping there was the Willard Memorial Chapel, designed by Louis Comfort Tiffany.  It's the only remaining chapel totally designed by Tiffany that remains intact.

It was originally part of a seminary which long since moved from the town.  After several owners it was purchased to preserve it though funds are sorely needed to bring it back to its original splendor.

Tiffany, known for his stained glass work, was also responsible in this chapel for all the finishes: woodwork, colors, tile floor, and all decor. Or I should say his staff was.  He never visited this chapel.

I did not get an outside photo but took this one from the video.  It's the building on the left.

The lighting was very dim.  It was not a sunny day outside plus the chandeliers produced little light.

The chapel is available to rent for events like weddings or memorial services.  You'd have to hope for a sunny day otherwise it would be a dismal affair there.

By the way a great book to read about Tiffany is "Clara and Mr. Tiffany" by Susan Vreeland.  


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