Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Too Warm for February

I'm not complaining.  How nice to be able to get out to walk in short sleeves in February.  But February is not supposed to be like this.

Nevertheless I did enjoy a nice walk around the lake in downtown Columbia.

Looking back as I start out at the building complex where my home is.  There is a tinge of color starting in the trees.

Here's the beginning of the lake.

Notice the long shadows? You'd think I was walking at sunrise or sunset but with it being February the sun is still low in the sky.  This was at 10:30 am.

Across the lake from the east side. That white building is where Whole Foods is.  I'll make a stop there.

Looking back.

I spied this nest in a tree.  Hard to gauge the size from the photos but no bigger than a child's tea set cup.

There's such an assortment of grasses planted along this side of the lake.

As I came to the end of the lake I realized there was no dam.  I hadn't realized that before.

Here is a look at the outflow point from the bridge crossing it.  Maybe its like a spillway that only lets some water out.  There are no natural lakes in Maryland.  This is definitely man-made.

I stopped in Whole Foods for an elevenses snack and sat by the lake to eat it.

I recently discovered the coconut water and it takes me back to when I was a child living with my missionary parents in the Philippine Islands.

I also snacked on two stuffed grape leaves and two popcorn chicken pieces.

Then continued on home, warm from the sun.


  1. Good for you, getting out and enjoying the sunshine. Thank you for the email and photos. I will be emailing but I've lost all the photos from my phone. apparently I formatted the SD card after transferring the photos onto it. Didn't realise that would delete everything. I now have no photos of the baby. My daughter will email some to me soon.

  2. Wow! That's amazing February weather for Columbia. I did see some photos of my grandson enjoying the warmer weather. I'm sorry they'll be leaving Maryland later in the year. I really enjoyed staying there when visiting them. I'll miss Wegman's.

  3. on Maui they cut a hole in the top of a coconuint and stick a straw in.

  4. That looks like a beautiful walk. How good to be able to do it in February and not be cold. Love the colours. Nice to be so handy to Whole Foods. I wish we had that chain in Australia.

  5. How lovely! That tiny nest is beautiful - well spotted.


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