Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Scotland: Edinburgh

[Continuing to post on our Sept-Oct trip to Scotland.  One problem with posting so late after returning is my memory is not serving me well so please excuse my mistakes or lack of labels.]

We took the train from Dunblane to Edinburgh rather than attempting to do the drive and find parking.

Coming out of the train station we had to get our bearings as to which direction to walk to the Museum of Scotland.

First impressions?  What a drab, dark city!

Burning coal for heat has darkened all the facades.

We made it to our destination and I'll post about what we saw another time.

The rooftop of the museum gave us our first look at Edinburgh Castle.  We chose not to visit there because we had had our fill of palaces and castles at this point in our trip.

The dreary day didn't do anything for the drab dark buildings either.

Some of these rooftop photos are just silhouettes.

Notice the grass in the foreground?  Part of the green roof of the museum.

Another view of the castle.

Coming out of the museum I spied Greyfriars Bobby with his shiny nose where tourists have rubbed it.  Do you know the story of this dog?  After his master, an Edinburgh police officer died, the dog maintained a vigil from 1858-1872 over his master's grave.

We passed this landmark on the street too.

A closer view of the castle with the crowds.

Adding to the lackluster look of Edinburgh were the street performers/buskers on every corner and the tourist shops all selling the same things.

I know many people love this city but we were only impressed by the museum.


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I'm loving your trip. I haven't heard about Bobby, but he sounds a lot like the Akita dog Hachi in Japan.

  2. Yes, i'd heard the story of Bobby, i didn't know people rubbed the statue for luck. This city looks like it could be quite beautiful if the buildings hadn't been turned so dark by the pollution.

  3. Nice pictures! Love the castle and the doggie!

  4. I have made several visits to Scotland and have always enjoyed it, but I must say that the weather is often drab - sometimes downright dismal!

  5. Think you hit the nail on the head calling it a drab grey city, I found it it that way when we visited years ago with our kids. Had not improved when I wasn't there about 10 years ago. It it is probably a nice place when the weather is nice

  6. I tend to agree with you especially when the weather is drag too. The fringe festival was fun though.

  7. I've never been there but I'm sure I'd enjoy seeing all that architecture. A grey day in Scotland - not very surprising!

  8. We visited Edinburgh a number of times when we lived in the UK - I rather liked it. Although I know what you mean about it have a bit of a dark facade.

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne


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