Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Trompe L'Oeil in Fredrick, MD

One Sunday last month we were sitting in The Tasting Room restaurant  in Fredrick, Maryland.

Looking out the window we spied a gentleman looking at us out a window.

At second glance we realized he was a painting on the wall.

Closer examination and then confirmed when we left the restaurant revealed that everything about him and the windows was a painting.  Trompe l'oeil its called.

Across to the other corner we found the windows that inspired the paintings we were admiring.

The City of Fredrick has a lovely park along Carroll Creek with tromp l'oeil on the bridges.  So the stone you see there below is painted.

The iron gate?  Painted.

Looking closer at the stones you see etched designs, but no they aren't etched in stone, they are painted.

This angel looks a bit out of whack only because it was painted to be viewed from the window in the art center.

See it looks so much better from there.

It's a lovely walk and likely will be quite well traveled come warmer weather.

Walking back to our car we spied this window on a building.  Is it real?


  1. Marcia, art sure can fool the eye. Thanks for this interesting art history lesson, it's great to learn a new thing of two. I hope that you will come back again.

  2. Oh my gosh!This is just so awesome! We'll be in Maryland in the future so I'll have to mention this to family.

  3. What a wonderful photo walk with you ~ all very informative and creative ~ thanks,

    Wishing you a peaceful week ~ ^_^

  4. Amazing images. I would love to see them in real life. Thanks for the interesting post.

  5. My goodness, I just commented on Denise's post the other day and said I need to go see this place! I haven't been to Fredrick in a few years. Here is her post: http://anenglishgirlrambles2016.blogspot.com/2017/03/more-photos-from-frederick-maryland.html

  6. Hi Marcia, I enjoyed this post very much. We just visited Frederick last week and I took photos of the mural bridge which I posted about. It is fun to see these works through your camera lens. Great post!

  7. Also have to thank Linda for steering me over here :)

  8. Simply breathtaking! The lightness of style is quite wonderful and so effective. Thank you so much for sharing these photographs with us.


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