Monday, January 2, 2017

Book Total

I was all prepared to write about why I read fewer books than last year with excuses like selling our house, downsizing, moving twice, etc until I looked back to see what my total was for 2015.

Lo and behold I read the same amount as last year: 69.  And in 2014 the total was 70.  I had no idea I was so predictable.

Getting ready to pick up a new book this afternoon.  It's a rainy, yucky day out and I've been out in it to get items for our upcoming trip.  

Now it's time for a cup of tea and a book.

If you're looking for books to read may I recommend to you the author Jojo Mayes.  I read three of hers in December and suggest "Me Before You" and The Girl You Left Behind".

I'll leave up my 2016 book list in the sidebar until I'm ready to post for 2017.

Happy New Year and happy reading.


  1. I imagined that when I retired I would read twice as many books as I did when I worked but it seems that is not the case. You get through so many more than I do. Enjoy your trip.

  2. ...oh how I wish that I were a reader!

  3. Happy New Year, Marcia! It's so amazing that you were able to read so many books during your extremely busy 2016! Did you have one or two favorites? Here's to another happy, healthy year of reading! ♡Dawn@Petals.Paper.SimpleThymes

  4. I've never kept track of how many books I read in a year but now I'm thinking it might be fun to do so. It's interesting how close your annual tallies are. Right now I am reading The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce and thoroughly enjoying it. I only rarely read novels, mostly memoirs and history, so this is a change of pace.


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