Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Tuesday's Treasures #7

Today's treasure is of a very different sort than previous posts.

The treasure here is the return each spring of blossoms appearing from bulbs planted in years past.

These crocus appeared in bloom in the Perennial Garden outside my bedroom window.

I was totally surprised because there had been no hint of green or buds before Monday.  Then in the warmth of the day they appeared.

The pond too brought out a surprise on Monday.  Above it barely looks like its out of winter let alone time for spring.  But the creatures knew otherwise and the chorus started on Monday afternoon for a very short while.

I spotted the lone singer.

Treasures of a different sort, yet valued each spring.

Linking to Tuesday Treasures.


  1. That does look springish! Nice shots - we are starting to get much cooler evenings here - but the forecast says that summer is not over yet!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  2. Love the little soloist. And such pretty crocuses. No flowers here until May. Enjoy those sweet flowers.

  3. Treasures of nature are always adorable, especially in spring

  4. Our crocus leaves are up and the gaffs are trying to bloom...and now they are forecasting 3 inches of snow possibility Thursday night and Friday. That is not good for the little flowers. I son’t want them to freeze. Your captures are so pretty of the crocus. The purple they give us is sososo beautiful.

  5. Hi Marcia, I love these kinds of treasures that pop up each year and give us hope!

  6. Spring and the earths rebirth is indeed a treasure, one that I look forward to each year. Thanks Marcia for sharing this week and please hurry on back.

  7. Oh for sure the Crocus are perfect treasures. We also have a chorus of froggies out here too.

    I didn't grow moss on the truck on purpose---like Topsy--it just grew. It is just so wet out here there is moss on almost everything. LOL

  8. Yes! A very different kind of treasure...but very very special!

  9. Beautiful! And special when it happens so sudden:) Am curious how the pond looks like when the snow is all gone! Enjoy the rest of the week:)

  10. True treasures, each and every one! It must be such fun to visit your pond each day, Marcia! ♡Dawn@Petals.Paper.SimpleThymes


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