Monday, June 15, 2015

New Blooms in Mid-June

In the Pond Garden

The butterfly weed, but where are the monarchs?

the water hyacinth

A water lily

and then a few minutes later it looked like this:

In Mom's Garden

the lavender

the lamb's ear

the hydrangea

Next to the porch

the red hot poker

The Glen Garden

astillbe and hosta

In the Perennial Garden


Asian lilies

thyme in the pathways


remnants of  earlier bloomers, alliums


  1. But where are the monarchs? ROUNDUP! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  2. Lots of dragon flies and damsels flies but butterflies are scarce for now. They should be appearing soon.

  3. What a range of beautiful flowers you have in your garden. As the weather gets warmer I'm sure the monarchs will appear.

  4. What a grand assortment of blossoms!!! They're all so beautiful in their own way.

    Reading your profile, I too love to watch birds and photograph them!!!

    By the way, I've never heard nor seen a red hot poker very pretty!

  5. Over the years i have had most of these plants in my garden and it is loovely to see them again in your garden. I especially love the Water lily in bud adn open and the Red hot poker.

  6. Great photos! I am moving into a new house and the previous owner wasn't much of a gardener but obviously and astilbe lover - which I am too. That waterlily makes me very jealous.

  7. I love the waterlily! Pretty flowers and gorgeous images!

  8. Such beautiful blooms in your garden. The waterlily, day lily and the toned down red-hot poker (I like the color of yours) all caught my eye.
    Happy Bloom Day!

  9. Gorgeous photos! I especially like the hydrangeas, the pastel colours are so pretty!


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