Monday, June 1, 2015

Harvest Monday - June 1st

Tomato plants are in as are peppers.  Cucumber is sprouting.  Snow peas are flowering. Garlic is producing scapes. Blueberries filling out.  Lettuce finishing up. Bok choy all picked.

Here are a few shots.  I haven't always remembered to take the photos.

Bok choy getting rinsed.  I have several bags in the refrigerator.

Bok choy marinating in lime juice and garlic for grilling.  That was so so.  I think if I do it again I'll try a different seasoning. 

Garlic scapes on top of spinach harvest.  I used the scapes to make Daphne's garlic scape dressing.

A basketful of assorted lettuces.

What's in your garden basket?


  1. What a healthy harvest you are enjoying, Marcia! I can almost taste the crisp, crunchy salads. Enjoy! ♡

  2. Your veggies look delicious and not a slug or caterpillar bite to be found.

  3. Those are some love greens! I don't think I have tried grilled choy, though I like other grilled veggies.

  4. All these scapes are coming out but not in my garden yet. Though I know once they show up they come on fast.

  5. Beautiful harvests! That bok choy looks so yummy.

  6. Lovely harvests - everything looks so fresh! My lettuce is finally starting to size up after a very late start this year.

  7. Wow, garlic scapes already ... I'll have to check, but I'm pretty sure I don't have any yet. Everything looks great!

  8. Wonderful harvest! Oh, I can't wait for garlic scapes. Yours look so good. I have never thought of grilling Bok Choi.


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