Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Spring Planting

What a glorious spring day!

Perfect for tackling the first spring planting in the vegetable garden,

Here's a before photo with the leftover stalks of the snow peas from last fall and leaf mulch covering some of the beds.

Filled the compost bin that sits next to the gate with debris.

Tried to take compost from the bottom but it wasn't ready.

So I went to the other compost bin next to the deck at the perennial garden.

Isn't this lovely compost?

I planted 3 small beds of snow peas.

I weeded and fertilized the garlic including a dressing of compost.

I planted rows of lettuce (Mesclun, baby leaf, Little Gem, Amish speckled bib).

I planted spinach (Regiment Hybrid).   Last year was not a good year for spinach for me so I'm trying a new variety.

I planted tatsoi, bok choy and pak choi.

Here's the after photo.  Ignore the weeds in the pathways.  I have a new plan to keep down weeds this year.

And speaking of new plans, I'm on a mission to keep the deer out of the other gardens.

The vegetable garden with its fence is well protected.  And though the fence height is one deer could jump, they don't jump this one because there's no safe landing spots for them.  They only bother greens growing on the fence like the cucumbers last year.

Stay tuned for my grand deer protection plan for the perennial, glen and pond gardens.  

Monday, March 30, 2015

Just an Assortment

With the one warm day we had last week, the frogs appeared in the pond and left this mass of eggs.

Have been hearing owls' call but no sign of inhabitants of the owl house high up in this sycamore tree.

Down at the bottom of our driveway the wetlands to the right still has not put on any spring coloring.

The small creek in the glen has one spot of green showing.

And the bluebirds continue to stake claim to this box.  There are more than two so I don't know how that will work out.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

View from Here - Spring Temps

Today is supposed to be the warmest day we have had in ages: 75º.

Trouble is it's also raining.

So during the first rain shower I vacuumed the screen porch and swept the deck.

Then when the rain stopped did some pruning before the rain drove me inside again.

Now I've had my lunch and am waiting for the rain to stop again.

Well, it did back out to work some more on spring chores.

Here's the view from here:

The pond through the screen of the porch with ice.

A bright spot below my bedroom window - can't see them?

Here they are.

My makeshift fence of downed wood. Would you believe I could find nothing on the internet about how to make this?

Closer look.  I hope it will make the deer think twice about jumping it.

I have two helpers coming Saturday to extend it along this edge of the glen. I think they will be able to start with larger logs and build it up from there.  We'll use the trees as stakes to keep them from rolling down into the glen.

Screen porch almost inviting though too soon for cushions.

And too soon for collectibles on display.

But it won't be long now before I'm out there with a glass of iced tea and a good book but first the garden chores need to be done.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Sunday Walk

It felt good to get out and walk.  I've been limited since December in how much or how long I could walk by a bum heel (plantar fascia).  I got the go ahead from the physical therapist to start exercising again.  New shoes make a difference, too but when I get my molded inserts from the podiatrist I should feel even better.

We get the Sunday Washington Post only, so must go up to our mailbox on the main road to get it.  This is a walk down our driveway (1/5 of a mile), up the lane and return down the lane and up our driveway.  One mile round trip.  I took the camera along.

Down our hill to the creek crossing.  Here's a view of the creek and when you look closely ...

you can see the skunk cabbage making an appearance.

And the yellow irises are also greening up there.

Looking up through the glen, our house is up on the right out of the photo, there is no sign of spring yet.

Along the lane this was a bright sight.

I noticed all the critter holes on my way up the lane so made a point of capturing them on my return trip.

Back up almost to the top of our driveway.  Won't be long before the green shows on the grass and trees.

I was greeted at the top by three bluebirds.  This one sat for a portrait.

Monday, March 16, 2015

60º Walk About

Yes, it was in the 60s today with no wind.  Time to walk around the yard to see what's going on.

Join me.

The Glen Garden has no sign of growth.

The pond is full of ice and snow yet.

The garlic is green there in the center bed.

English laurel was the main meal for the deer this winter.

Saw a blue bird earlier so opened up the box to clean it out.

View down our driveway into the wetlands below and pipeline easement beyond.

Nothing growing out front in Mom's Garden.

This hazel nut clump looks strange.  Why is there a bigger trunk?  May have to check once leaves come out to see if there's another kind of tree in there with the hazelnut.

Looking down into the woods.  I didn't get there anytime this winter.

Coming around to the backyard again.

Fairy garden house will need some rebuilding.

Perennial garden still dormant?

No, there's a spot of color from several clumps of crocus.

60º how nice!