Wednesday, June 4, 2014

It's June in the Vegetable Garden

The month of June brings snow peas, lettuce, and garlic scapes - all of which I have been harvesting.

Below are the snow peas, happily flowering and forming the pods for me to pick.

Monday was planting day for peppers.  Here are two Jimmy Nardello peppers that I got as a thank you gift from Susan at Squash Blossom Farm in MN for supporting her Kickstarter campaign.  I also planted a hill of butternut squash in the far corner which I hope to train away from the peppers into the pathways.  We'll see if that works.  Along the edge of the bed on three sides I planted bush beans. I hope they are all compatible.

As I worked in the garden the bluebird fledglings were madly bothering their parents.  This was the only photo I captured that was in focus.

The six tomato I planted earlier are doing well.  On the left I added one tomato plant, Federle which came from Susan, too plus two eggplants I grew from seed.  I hope I have better luck growing the latter this year.  The bugs like those plants.  You can see the lettuce in front is growing well.

This bed got 4 peppers, 2 each of Cubanelle and Hot peppers.  It
is sharing the bed with lettuce too.

Garlic - can you see the scapes?

Blueberries are loaded.

Another view of tomato bed.

Two more small beds of tomato on the south side of the garden, one pictured here.  Each contains three tomato plants with Juliette plants in the center of each.

Close up of the snow peas.

I also planted two pots of cucumbers to grow on the fence, one pot of yellow squash, and one hill of zucchini currently sharing a bed with lettuce.  There is also one small bed of there pepper plants.  Now I need to get a bale of straw to mulch the beds.  That worked well for me last year.