Thursday, August 1, 2013

Another Day of Bounty from the Garden

Two fairly skinny cucumbers.  I gave away 5 yesterday to staff in Dan's office.  Then he requested an appetizer for tonight of cucumbers on cream cheese crackers.

Basil went into a glass of water to keep close by.  Nothing like fresh basil.  There may be pesto in my future.

Four lovely young zucchinis will be eaten tonight.

The first large tomato and I don't know if its a Goldie or a beefsteak.

Here's the bottom view.

And another of the same type but something else took a nibble first.

Finally the rest of the tomatoes for today and one sweet banana pepper.

Still to come in the garden: other pepper varieties, butternut and delicata squash and a volunteer pumpkin.


  1. Looks fantastic, Marcia... Your veggies have really done well. We 'buy' ours --but I will say that we are getting some good ones at our Farmer's Market now (finally)... The cooler and rainy weather here has slowed down the crops this year. We bought some fabulous corn-on-the-cob last week and this. We also got some awesome tomatoes and cukes.... They certainly enhance our meals these days!!!!


  2. Hi Marcia It must be wonderful to be able to go out to your own garden and bring in such a bounty.

  3. Someone around your house has a green thumb... those veggies are doing great. Hugs,

  4. Great garden crop!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  5. Doesn't stuff taste better when you get it from your garden?!! What a lovely variety to enjoy all summer long.

  6. Looks like a very productive garden. I love fresh homegrown veggies!

  7. Picking veggies from our own garden is a blessing! Lovely post!


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