Saturday, June 22, 2013

Blooms & Books

The astilbe is blooming.

New day liles at Dan's study window.

Some of the other colors in the perennial garden.

Now to books.

Just finished The Secret Keeper by Kate Morton.  What a page turner!  Even though there is a constant shift in the time period, back and forth between pre WWII England, WWII, the 60s and present day, it builds the suspense and mystery.  It's worth reading a second time in the near future despite now knowing how it all comes together.

The last Agatha Christie I read The Sittaford Mystery was not up to the standard you'd expect from her.  Maybe it was the editors who failed to keep the story believable.  For example, there is huge snowstorm at the start of the story such that roads are impassable.  But how is it in less than a week's time characters are taking walks on the moor or sitting at open windows?  I'm still on my quest to read all her books.  I have less than 20 to go.

Finally, I revisited an old childhood favorite The Secret Garden by Frances Burnett.  I took it on vacation to read and enjoyed it.  I think as an adult I had a better idea picturing the garden she finds since now I'm a gardener.

1 comment:

  1. HI Marcia What a riot of colour you have in your garden. They are all lovely. I especially liked the Lily 8&9 shot. I to love A.Christie and watch all the series on TV, over and over. My mother got me into reading the books when I was young. Have a great weekend. Margaret


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