Monday, May 13, 2013

Harvest Monday in Mid-May

I have had a very slow growing, unproductive vegetable garden this year.  I'm almost embarrassed to share these photos.  I imagine others have had the same weather issues but I haven't seen such straggling results as mine.  But here goes.

Two types of spinach planted at the beginning of March - when it was warm.  First harvest last week.

Purchased broccoli plants.

Garlic is the best grower, planted last fall.

Three beds of snow peas, planted at different times.  I was harvesting last year at this time.

Blueberries are flowering.

First harvest of spinach and over wintered lettuce.  I didn't show you the lettuce beds because they were the worst.  My two rows of carrots?  No sign of them after first germination.


  1. My stuff is low and slow this year, too. I haven't even joined Daphne's Harvest Mondays for weeks on end, because nothing has been producing. I gathered a handful of green beans today, so I guess it's finally starting.

    I am glad you were able to harvest something. :)

  2. Don't feel too bad, my greens are rediculously slow this year, peas are non-existing and we're about to get hit with hard frost. :(

  3. Your spinach looks fantastic. DOn't feel bad. Not a single plant showed up for me of spinach and we LOVE the stuff. I'll be sowing early indoors for fall instead. Everyone runs into some trouble along the way!

  4. The veggies will catch up!

    Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne

  5. It has been an odd year, weather wise, but I think your veggies look fabulous! And your blueberry bush looks so promising!


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