Friday, May 31, 2013

Emily's Peony

I don't know the real name of this peony so like to call it Emily's peony because at our old house it bloomed around the time of Emily's birthday on June 5th.  We have photos of her as a little girl standing next to it.  She is now turning 32 so that was many years ago!

The peony was first planted under a very small maple tree - a volunteer tree - that we moved to the back garden bed.  The tree grew bigger so the peony was moved to the perennial bed that replaced the asparagus bed.

When we sold that house in 2003 I told the new owners I would be back for several of my perennials including the peony once our new house was completed.  We moved in here in November of 2005 and I returned to dig out the perennials in the spring of 2006.

The peony has not bloomed very well here.  This is the first year it has had three blooms.  Last year there were buds that failed to open.  The year before I don't think it had anything.  Hopefully this is the start of its blooming history for many years to come.


  1. So pretty! We have peonies that are about to bloom but they're not opening yet. Can't wait to see them!

    1. I hope you post photos of yours so I can see them.

  2. Stunning colours!! Boom & Gary of the Vermilon River, Canada.

  3. Your peony is very pretty, I love the color. We had some that disappeared once a tree shaded the area. Sorry, it is not doing as well at your new place, it is still pretty.

    1. Thanks Eileen. I wonder sometimes if it should be in a bed all by itself. Trouble is they are so hard to move. Maybe I need to clear out what is near it instead.

  4. Truly beautiful peony!
    And Happy Birthday to Emily!
    Have a wonderful week!
    Lea's Menagerie


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