Thursday, January 24, 2013

A Wish Granted

Remember last week my pining for spring but still wishing for a very cold snap to freeze the pond?  Wish granted!  Cold snap upon us and last night it included snow - 2 inches.

 Here's the pond this morning after I came in from helping Dan shovel the driveway.

Here's the pond now after spending an hour out there cutting the cat tails and hauling them off to the piles in the woods.  It will make for a much neater pond come spring.  True I will still have to trim the irises and the Joe Pye weed and the butterfly bush.  But for those I don't have to venture into water.

I'm sorry for the birds though which liked to take cover amongst the cat tails.  That's another reason not to keep trimming out there.  That and the temps at 22º.


  1. i would have been happier without this super cold spell. It was 4 degrees yesterday at 6am and 5 today. It killed all my greens in the hoophouse and even my hydroponic is frozen solid :(

  2. Glad you got to trim the cattails. Our temps this morning were a bit colder, -13 degrees. We're keeping the fire going strong.

  3. Sounds like a cold job - but you are right - it seems a whole lot easier than wading in water! Glad you got your wish! Now spring can come! :)

  4. I actually love!
    Here in northern MN it is against the law to remove them (on or near public waters) because of they are natural shoreline erosion protectors, and they provide so much habitat for small wildlife. They also hold the moisture into wetlands, when cleaned out they are at risk of drying up. We have a big lilypad pond, and a much smaller cattail pond - the kids find so many dragon flies, turtle hatchlings, and frogs in the cattails - it's a tadpole haven in the spring :) I love their perfect green blades, as well.
    I had a chance to see your gardens in the link from last week- they are absolutely beautiful! The landscape surrounding you is, as well!
    It has been VERY cold here - I feel bad sending our kids off to the school bus when the windchill is -30° and colder.
    Our pond is frozen many feet deep! :)


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