Monday, August 6, 2012

Harvest Monday

I'm loving the harvests these days!  Tomatoes and more tomatoes! Tomatoes for freezing for fall and winter chili.  Tomatoes for saucing for the taste of fresh sauce come the time when homegrown tomatoes are no longer available.  And tomatoes for eating.  BLTs!  Yum!  There are tomatoes out there right now needing picking as I type this on Sunday night but they will have to wait until morning to be picked because it's wet out there from the storm that just passed.  I'll leave you with the photos I do have from this past week.  And don't forget to check out other harvests over at Daphne's Dandelions.

Addendum: Here is Monday morning's harvest! Cucumber, 3 zucchinis, and lots more tomatoes.

Cherokee purple, Amish paste and Goldie.
Market Miracle.



  1. Beautiful harvest! What is the name of that yellow variety?

    1. Jenny - the yellow one is Goldie. It's much like a beefsteak except golden. Very sweet too!

  2. Wow your tomatoes are certainly doing great. Will be glad when I am picking them that way.

  3. Tomato season just makes my blood rush! This year I had to fight the birds for much of my crop but a new heirloom I grew was called a Pink Berkeley. It is a dark green with pinkish red color running through it and it is SOOOO sweet. Most of mine end up in a vinegarette and are eaten as a salad!

  4. What beauties! Your tomatoes are so much farther along than mine!

  5. I'm still waiting on my big tomato harvest but there is always a feeling of excitement when I see others in the middle of tomato season. Everything looks red and green gorgeous!


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