Monday, June 11, 2012

Harvest Monday and What's Blooming!

Check out other harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.

This week we continued to enjoy the snow peas.  I picked the remaining ones and cut down the plants so that the tomato plants also planted in that bed would have more room and more light.  Of course I forgot to take a photo but we have enjoyed these snow peas immensely this year.  Last night they went into a vegetable sautee with some carrots, celery, onion, garlic scape, and savory leaves.  It was delectable.  The night before I served them steamed.

The one photo I do have is of lettuce which I'm still managing to get though most has bolted and been composted.  I do have one head of bok choy out there I will have to use tonight or it will end up being composted.
In the rest of the garden its flowers which are coming into their own.  Here are a few of the new bloomers or soon to be blooming and some which are just known for their lovely leaf color.

 Newest hosta - a miniature one has set its blossoms. (Can you see the spotting of liquid fence on the leaves?  Only way I can grow hostas.)

 First bloom of black eyed susan. It's usually much later in blooming.  Don't know where this blossom came from so early.
 Delicate blooms of this astillbe are just opening.

 Creeping thyme in the perennial garden pathways is blooming.
 Here's a late bloomer.  My other lupine has long since bloomed.  This one is just now doing so for the very first time.  It was grown from seed given to me by Wilderness.
 Another astillbe.
 Bee balm a favorite of hummingbirds though I think the ones in my yard are addicted to the feeder.  I haven't seen them visiting the bee balm yet.
 More creeping thyme with a bee.

 Easter lily getting ready to open.  It will scent the whole garden when it does.
 Yarrow with white astillbe behind it.
 This will be a lovely red daylily very soon.
 Another hosta blooming.  Why do I feel these are so early this year?
 I have lots of these blooming.  Below they are so very tall.

 And here's the lovely foliage of this fern (above) and the carmel heuchera (coral bells) below.

 Another heuchera.


  1. Beautiful plants. You are just south enough for me to recognize almost all of these even though I can't grow some of them here in Texas (too hot). I love bee balm and I've got two types. They see Heuchera and Hostas down here but I don't know why. They swoon in the summer heat waves and beg to be sent away to a cooler garden.
    As for those Chinese links: I can't really find a personal garden blog in China. I think it is because the land is far too precious and every square foot is used for farming. Still, I've found a lady who takes photos of her apartment gardens and city gardens, a guy that takes photos of the countryside, and a botanical garden blog. It's a start.
    P.S. On the other hand, the two Japanese garden blogs I've found and linked are delightful and filled with beauty.

  2. What a gorgeous post! The flowers are stunning, and those greens look delicious!

  3. Lovely flowers. Our hostas bloomed early this year too. The deer sure like them!

  4. Gorgeous flowers and beautiful greens :)

  5. Hi Marcia, Love all of your plants --including the blooms. You have such a nice variety... Glad you enjoyed the snow peas so much.... Sounds like you will have some tomatoes soon.

    Love your Hosta... Some of ours is getting ready to bloom too. Everything is early this year--for sure.

    Be sure and check out my blog today (Yard--before and after) --and again on Wednesday (Roses).

  6. I love the creeping thyme! I've tried growing it, but didn't have much luck. I am also trying astilbes (for the second or third time) this year. Yours are beautiful. And of course the daylilies!! I read that these will not bloom the first year after transplanting, so I'm waiting to see if mine are going to bloom this year or not. I also went back and read your post about your vacation. What gorgeous scenery! And the bear was quite a surprise! How fun to be able to see all that wildlife, and those mountains are majestic! I also loved seeing the flowers. So glad you have a wonderful time.


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