Sunday, March 4, 2012


There's something magical each spring when those first seeds germinate and the new life shows itself as a tender shoot reaching up for light.

I planted 6 varieties of tomatoes and so far 4 have germinated: Rutgers, Amish paste, Goldie and Market Miracle (from Daphne).  Two pots of basil have also germinated.  My two varieties of peppers and the remaining two varieties of tomatoes are still residing in the warmth of the mechanical room awaiting their magic time.

So this isn't a harvest but it's a foreshadowing of harvests yet to come.  Check out other harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Oh my goodness, I waited every year for my seeds to come up... and now we aren't starting our own anymore. Maybe next year, after retirement... I'll have time and motivation!

  2. I is so exciting and absolutely amazing that a tiny little seed can grow in to something big and provide so much food!

  3. How exciting!!! I hope they all do well!

  4. There is so much hope and promise in each little sprout! I love this time of year :-) Happy sowing!

  5. Marcia, they are coming along nicely.

  6. :-) LOVE the sproutlings. It's always so amazing to watch them grow!

  7. Agree, so amazing to watch the seeds germinate and grow.

  8. Thanks for all the comments. I had one pot of peppers sprout this morning and all the Cherokee purple and one pot of the Delicious. Everything looks healthy so far.


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