Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Wordless Wednesday


  1. Marcia,a few more thoughts on geranium overwintering. I don't water, let them dry out completely and go dormant, just don't let them freeze. I actually keep them in complete darkness. They are essentially dormant. I think what you are planning would be just very low growth throughout the season, in that case you need to water them. If you have several pots, why not try both ways, store some with your potatoes (cold, dry and dark) and some in your vestible (cool, moist, slow growing and lighted). I'd be curious to see compared success rates for survival and then which does better once they hit the garden.

  2. I swore I'd give up on mums this year and guess what? They're back. It's photos like yours that prevent me from resisting.

  3. Marsha love the color of you Mums. They are hard to get to winter here but do have 5 small ones that made last winter so there is hope they will get big someday.

  4. Oh, so pretty!! Love them combined with the daisy.


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