Friday, September 16, 2011

Nocturnal Visitors

 What went bump in the night?  Two young raccoons climbing on the screen porch door to reach this perch in our beams on the deck.  They were fearless of us and let me get close enough to take their picture.  Mama was nowhere to be seen.  I wonder if we have raccoons living under the porch again this year?

They crawled all over each other trying to occupy each other's space on the beam.

They will be mischief makers when they get bigger.  I wonder if we will see them again?


  1. Hi Marcia, what gorgeous photographs! How wonderful that they let you get so close to them... they obviously haven't learned fear yet :-)
    Jane Gray

  2. They're cute! We have some that think they're pets, not because they're tame, but because they think we put the dog food out for them!

  3. They are so cute....too bad they will become mishief makers.

  4. We live in a parallel universe and I've just found your garden blog via my friend Holley.
    I'm a gardener, you're a gardener.
    I'm a teacher, you're a teacher.
    I ought to be retired (after 31 years, but I'm not), you're retired.
    I have raccoons and baby raccoons in my garden, so do you.
    I can't seem to outsmart them either.
    I have a garden blog, you have a garden blog.
    Wow! Come visit, won't you?
    David/Tropical Texana/ Houston, Texas


No more moderation. Hopefully comments will come to my email.