Monday, September 19, 2011

DEER! #@*&%$

A morning glory growing on the clematis trellis.

I should have sprayed deer repellent when I thought of it last week.

Now don't get me wrong.  I do enjoy seeing the deer in my woods.  Just today I watched a fawn meander up the driveway.  Cute.  But there is so much other green stuff they can eat, so leave my plantings alone.  And to help them remember that I will spray liquid fence.


  1. Wow - they really targeted that! Interesting that they will come looking for treats when they have plenty to eat otherwise!

  2. Oh no!!! I bet you won't forget to spray that Liquid Fence again!

  3. I have a very healthy morning glory that they could chew off - five months old and not a bud or blossom in sight. It will undoubtedly freeze before it gets to blooming.


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