Friday, August 26, 2011

Visiting a Fellow Garden Blogger

On August 12th Dan and I had the chance to meet fellow garden blogger, Robin (on the left above) of The Garden of Eden. We were on our way to Maine on vacation and Robin graciously agreed to meet up with us for breakfast and a visit to her community garden plot. It was impressive. She has done an amazing amount of work in the season she has had this plot. Here are some photos.

Three sisters in the Native American tradition.

More varieties of tomatoes than I have ever seen together.

Thank you, Robin for the tour. It was really neat to meet you and see your handiwork.


  1. What a beautiful vegetable garden she has there. And what a treat to meet another garden blogger in person! I know you had so much to talk about. Glad you had a great time on your vacation.

  2. You are very welcome Marcia. It was very nice meeting with you and your husband. I thought you would photo shop some sunglasses on us and some poundage off me!! LOL

  3. Must have been fun meeting a fellow blogger in person.

    Three sisters -- thanks for the inspiration, I am going to put that on my 'must try' list for next spring.

  4. Thanks for the tour! I love visiting other gardens...always inspiring and interesting. I think they reflect our personalities.

  5. Yes it was very fun meeting a fellow blogger. Wonder who I can visit next year?


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