Monday, July 11, 2011

Harvest Monday

Long green things and round red things have had the stage for this past week's harvests. Yep, the zucchini and cucumbers are making their presence known as are some peppers and now the tomatoes are debuting, too. There was an Amish paste out there on Sunday with a nice reddish glow to it but it's still an understudy and will have to wait to debut next week.

Deliciously sweet cherry tomatoes

Dill for refrigerator pickles

Cucumbers for the same.

Peppers and zucchini.

First Rutgers tomato and last of the beans.

More zucchini!

More cherry tomatoes and another cucumber for the jar in the refrigerator.

Second Rutgers and more cherries.

Picked Monday morning. I'll have to re-read Our Happy Acre's recipe for freezing zucchinis.

See what other harvests happened across the continent by visiting Daphne's Dandelions on this Harvest Monday.


  1. Wonderful harvest! What do you put in your fridge pickel recipe?

  2. Allison - I got the recipe from Daphne's post on them some years ago. I think it was in 09. Ask her or search her site for the recipe. I have more cucumbers which I can add to my jar or make Our Happy Acres recipe which is incredibly simpler than Daphne's.

  3. Cukes and zukes and tomatoes - definitely looks like summer there!

  4. yup- that's a load of zukes. Mine are all gone now, but so far I'm OK with that. Check me again in 3 months then I'll want more.

  5. I'll have to look for the refrig pickles recipe...I have a recipe buried somewhere too, I think. I liked the smiley face tomato/zucchini photo! :)

  6. You are getting the last of your beans and I'm going to be picking the first of mine come this week. I'm really looking forward to them. We are at the cusp of summer, but not all the summer crops have really started. Except the zucchini.

  7. Your harvests were all about the red and green this week. I won't have any cucs for some time. I planted them really late this year.


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