Friday, June 17, 2011

Vegetable Garden - Mid June

Thankfully my vegetable garden got watered while I was gone for two weeks. I was pleased to see it did so well in my absence, nothing that a morning in there couldn't take care of. Weeds, fertilizing, and tying up wayward plants were on the agenda on Thursday.

Green pepper, Rutgers tomato, and cherry tomatoes.

Amish paste tomato, green beans, and first zucchini blossom.

Cubanelle pepper and as you can see I did not thin my onions as much as I should have.

A volunteer petunia in the vegetables. I transplanted another two of these volunteers to the perennial garden but left this one for now.

The fence is serving well as support for three tomato plants.

Beans and tomatoes are doing well together.

Lettuce is still producing amongst the peppers and eggplants.

Onions will soon be falling over ready for pulling.

Peas have been pulled from this bed and now I have to decide what else to plant with the zucchini.

Cucumbers also climbing the fence with nice basil plants in front.


  1. Your veggies look fantastic. I so wish I had the room to grow some.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  2. What a beautiful garden. I've always wanted raised beds, but always settle for hubby tilling up a big spot for me.

  3. The vegetable gardens are looking great. Looks like you will have a good yield on everything this year.


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