Saturday, June 4, 2011

Herbs in the Perennial Garden

My herb garden occupies one of the triangle beds in the perennial garden.
I have a wide assortment of herbs there.

Chives with their lovely purple blossoms - one of three plants each in a corner of the triangle.

There's a wide leaf sage (above) and a narrow leaf sage (below). I thought I had lost the top one but it survived. The narrow leaf with its flowers is visited daily by the hummingbird.

Lavender preparing to bloom.

Cilantro which is just an annual for me.

Basil started from seeds indoors and transplanted here.

Oregano the most prolific grower and self seeder. I find it everywhere and pull it out.

The mint is confined to a pot. I probably should have done this with the oregano. This year I transplanted the mint to a bigger pot and reburied it.

Another chive. On the far right you can see creeping thyme that I'm trying to grow to cover the paths of the perennial garden.

Savory, one of my favorites to use with vegetables.


  1. Well, your herbs look great - but I am most impressed with those darling signs!!!

  2. Great looking herbs. Do you dry or freeze any for winter?


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