Monday, June 27, 2011

Harvest Monday

Thursday - a good harvest of green beans for dinner and the first cherry tomatoes.

Friday - the last of the lettuce which has turned bitter. After washing I found myself tossing much of this and saving only enough for sandwiches. It was too bitter for salad.

Sunday - basil above and more beans and cherry tomatoes below.

I know there are bigger harvests out there so check them out at our host Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Enjoyed looking at your beans. The supermarket ones never look fresh and crisp like that.

  2. HAHA! ALways figures. Right when the salad tomatoes come in the darn lettuce goes and gets bitter. Sorry 'bout that.

  3. I'm still hoping to get some tomatoes soon. I think I'm still weeks away though.

  4. That's a shame that your lettuce is turning bitter. It would have been so nice to have lettuce and tomatoes!

  5. Your beans are looking great! Sorry about the lettuce. If you're like me, you'll just now be in the mood for a salad every night - and the lettuce has bolted!

  6. I think we had almost identical harvests. Mine were green beans and two cherry tomatoes =)

  7. Nice and yummy! I just harvested my last lettuce, kale, and chard. I will miss them, but then there are tomatoes, beans, squash, cukes, and peppers...

  8. Bitter lettuce just means that the time for all the yummy summer crops is almost here!


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