Monday, March 21, 2011

Harvest Monday 2011

Here's my inaugural Harvest Monday post for the 2011 growing season. Check out other harvests at the host of Harvest Monday: Daphne's Dandelions.

I planted this spinach in the fall and it wintered over uncovered. With the spring temps it has filled out so it was time to have some.

Here's my harvest. Sorry no weight. I don't own a scale.

Here it is as a spinach salad. It made enough for both of us to have. Ingredients besides the spinach: turkey bacon, parmesan cheese, onions, with Marie's Caesar dressing. Delicious!


  1. Boy that spinach did very well over the winter...and that salad looks absolutely delicious!!

    Happy 1st harvest of the year!!

  2. The spinach looks great. I seem to have some peeking out from the melting snow so as long as we don't get too much snow today we may have a harvest like that soon too.

  3. I failed at growing spinach. Yours looks very healthy and tasty!

  4. I wish I could get spinach to grow here! Either is just doesn't do anything or the bugs eat it! Your's look beautiful!

  5. That spinach is wonderful looking, a great way to start the year's harvests!

  6. It looks beautiful. I wish mine were starting to grow. I'm hoping with the snow/rain we are getting today they might start.

  7. Yummy~! My B would be jealous. We keep our spinach pruned to a minimum. She eats some each and every day but then the plants never get big. LOL.

  8. Thanks for everyone's nice comments. I hope to harvest some more of that spinach very soon.

  9. Yummy! You just remind me to sow some spinach seeds.

  10. Your spinach looks so good!! Would love to have some to go with my chicken salad tonight!!


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