Monday, August 23, 2010

Harvest Monday Rolls Around Again!

Last Monday I harvested 11 tomatoes, 4 were from a volunteer plant in my perennial bed. I've since pulled that one out since the tomato hornworms found it.

Thursday, I harvested 4 tomatoes, 3 eggplants, and 2 cucumbers. All of which were used that night for dinner.

Friday I harvested these tomatoes, cubanelle pepper, and the Brussels sprouts below.

This morning I harvested 1 zucchini and 7 tomatoes.

I took the photo of this green bean on Friday and I ate it raw today. I hope there will be more to pick this week.

There are green peppers, eggplants, small zucchini and some cucumbers out there not quite ready to be harvested. I hope they don't all ripen at once since there are only two of us eating from this garden now.

See other harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Had the same Brussle sprout experience. I am not sure what to do with mine now. The fruit are just appearing, but I don't go near them so as not to disturb the white flies.
    Nice Harvest!

  2. I started the season with about four or five plants that died down to two. One has the strangest looking sprouts, and the plant is beginning to look horrible. One plants is beautiful, with marble sized sprouts. No white flies, but no good looking sprouts like yours. You did good.

  3. Oh yum. I love Brussels Sprouts. They were one of my favorite veggies when I was growing up. That and spinach. I was a very strange kid.

  4. I am trying to grow Brussels sprouts as a winter veggie. Never grew them before, so it will be interesting to see if they can grow in winter.


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