Monday, July 19, 2010

Harvest Monday

Amish paste tomatoes are ripening. Here are the ones picked on Saturday. I weighed them on the bathroom scale and it came to 3 lbs! The one in the center was 1 lb. alone. I think I need to take seeds from that one.

Here's the large one compared to the normal size. I don't know why it so much bigger.

The goldies are ripening too. These were picked on Saturday.

One of several cucumbers that I picked this week to make pickles following Daphne's recipe (as best I could) for refrigerator pickles.

My first goldie and sliced below to dip in flour and fry in butter.

See other wonderful harvests at Daphne's Dandelions.


  1. Those tomatoes look delicious! We are still waiting for our first ripe ones to arrive but hopefully I will be enjoying some soon too.

  2. Lovely tomatoes. Ours also started to ripen, but we don't have so many of them as you have.

  3. I used the Amish paste tomatoes to make sauce last night, supplementing them with some romas I bought at the Sunday Farmers Market. I used some of the sauce for eggplant parmesan (eggplant from the F. Market) and the rest will be for lasagna on Tuesday night. I have one eggplant of my own that is ready to pick. I think I'll pick it tonight to stirfry with tomatoes and basil. There are more tomatoes almost ready to pick this morning. They are weighing down the branches they are so heavy.

  4. Your yellow tomatoes look great!

  5. Your tomatoes look yummy. I didn't plant any yellow tomatoes this year. I did plant a Pineapple tomato and it's the last one setting, it will be a while.

  6. Mmm, fried yellow tomatoes... sounds lovely. I was quite happy with the Amish paste that I grew a few years back and Opalka. Paste tomatoes are so gratifyingly heavy in set and texture.


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