Saturday, June 13, 2009

Vegetable Garden

The snow peas had stopped blooming so it was time to pull the plants and let the tomatoes have more room. Here are the before pictures of the two beds with the snow peas with tomatoes above. And the snow peas with lettuce and chard below.
Here is the bed with the tomatoes. Now they have room to spread out more.
I planted three hills of zuchini in this bed. Don't know how they'll do and if there is enough room.
I then sat on the porch and pulled off all the snow peas. We'll have some tonight and I'll freeze the rest. It was quite a harvest.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. That is one lush veggie bed! The tomatoes have done really well in with the peas. I wonder if the nitrogen from the pea roots helped them along.


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