Sunday, June 21, 2009

"The End of Overeating"

With a subtitle of "Taking Control of the Insatiable American Appetite", David A. Kessler, MD has researched and written a scathing report on what food companies and restaurant chains have done to us to keep us coming back for more. It's partly our fault too for letting them do it to us.

Have you ever looked at a plate of food served to you at a restaurant and wondered how you would eat it all and then eaten it anyway? From increasing portion sizes to combining an addicting mix of sugar, salt and fat the food industry has done us all a disservice. I just need to look at my waist line to see it. We have to rehab our eating if we are to break the cycle of addiction.

Here are some quotes:

"Food rehab is the key to viewing food stimuli in new ways.

"Conditioned hypereating is a biological challenge, not a character flaw. Recovery is impossible until we stop viewing overeating as an absence of will power.

"Treating conditioned hypereating means recognizing it as a chronic problem that needs to be managed, not one that can be completely cured.

"Lapses are to be expected. Most of us are never fully cured of conditioned hypereating."

"A useful way to gauge what will truly satisfy you is to eat only half of your usual meal. ... Chances are good you will find one of those servings to be enough -- beyond that, you are eating for reward, not satiety. It often comes as a shock to realize how much less you can eat."

If you read a diet book this summer, try this one. It shouldn't be called a diet book, rather an expose of eating.

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