Sunday, May 24, 2009

State of the Veggie Garden

My two raised beds are crammed full with peas, spinach, lettuces, and four tomato plants. Above is the view of the one with the four tomato plants. I just put the cages on and hope that the netting will fit over top.
This one has the lettuce varieties I got from Emily. Below is the back view with the mesculun growing well.
There are tiny buds on one of the tomato plants.
Here's the back view of the other bed with the spinach. It's growing back after the haircut I gave it earlier.

The peas are blooming. With the net on will they get pollinated?
My onions are growing in the perennial bed. I have two short rows. There's dill and parsley coming up behind the onions.
Here is the garlic I planted last fall.
Here's one of the six hot peppers I planted. With the warmer weather they should do better.

1 comment:

  1. Your veggies have really grown fast. Pollination probably will be a problem with you put the net on now. Peas are self pollinating but the buzz of a bee really helps them along.


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