Thursday, April 9, 2009

Promised Photos

I spent most of the afternoon pulling up grass and planting these Stone Crop Blue Spruce Sedum. I moved the ajuga that had been there to the bed outside of Dan's study. I hope it grows better there.

We planted daffodils in four spots last fall. One spot was on the edge of the glen. In years to come this will be quite a display in spring time. For now its only single blooms with the promise of more in the future.

You know its spring when the bleeding heart is up.

I don't know the name of this wildflower that someone gave me last year after they had bloomed.

Garlic is doing super. I need to plant red onions now. They'll go in a perennial bed since the deer won't bother them.

Here's another spot we planted daffodils. I can see these outside my bedroom window except the flowers face away from the house.


  1. Your garden is really coming to life. The unknown plant is Bloodroot or Sanguinaria canadensis.

  2. The flower at the top is bloodroot. We saw it last May in Vermont


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