Sunday, August 31, 2008

Labor Day Weekend Projects

I've been struggling with where to move hostas. They just didn't do well where I had them for the last three summers.

Here's where they've been. You can see the holes where I moved some out earlier.

Here's another picture showing them moved out.

Here's where I moved them to. It doesn't look like much now, but I think the hostas will be happier on the edge of the woods.

My hanging baskets are now in full sun with the sun's position in the sky moving to the south every day. Being back at work means I don't get to water them daily as I had to all summer. I was going to compost the whole thing, but the geraniums looked to healthy. So I trimmed off the verbena and the other plant whose name I don't know and left the geranium. It can stand to have a dry pot.

This is the other hanging basket already trimmed. It looks happier already.

Caught this moth on the water hyacinth. Here are the goldfish that live in this pond.

My final project of the day was to dig up a hydrangea that never has bloomed - too much pruning by the deer. I didn't have the heart to
throw it away so I moved it to a new location near a stone wall and planted this volunteer butterfly bush in it's place. I know the butterfly bush should be happier since it was growing in the rocks along my driveway. It doesn't look very happy in this picture but eventually it will be attracting butterflies from far and wide as it grows overlooking the pond.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you did a lot of work yesterday. I'm sure it will pay off.


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