Monday, October 14, 2024

All Saints Church

For years we have been traveling through Hoosick, NY and passed this church which has always intriqued me.  For our trip to Chicago I resolved to stop to finally take some pictures.

The mix of stone colors and the bell tower are so interesting.

I found this history of the church on their website (link below).

 A brief history of All Saints

The first documented Episcopal services held in the Hamlet of Hoosick were conducted during the 1850’s by the Rev. G.B. Manser, D.D., Rector of St. Peter’s Church in Bennington, Vermont. In 1864 George Mortimor Tibbits, Troy businessman and Hoosick farmer, began construction of what would become the nave of All Saints Church. The structure was built with native stone quarried locally and trimmed with sandstone brought from Connecticut by sloop up the Hudson River and carted by wagon to Hoosick.

A temporary wooden spire was attached to the original building but this was replaced in 1872 when the present stone tower and the chancel were constructed.

When the tower was completed the Tibbits family presented the church with a set of bells, cast in Florence, which had won Grand Prize for a peal of bells at the 1867 Paris Exposition. The little bell at the top of the tower is an ancient sacring bell (ca. 1578) and was brought here from Munich, Germany. It is said to be one of the oldest church bells in the United States.
