Friday, May 10, 2024

Peony Question

I have two peony plants that look nothing alike.

These were both rescues.  One was growing along the edge of the field behind us 

and the other was struggling under the maple trees in what is now the Maple Garden bed but was on the street side of the fence.

Old photo showing the fence.

This week I took these photos of the peonies wondering if anyone recognizes what kind they are. Last year only one had a bloom but the late frost got the other possible buds.

Sorry.  Not the best photos for identifying them.  I hope they both bloom this year.

Post script: A woman stopped by our house on Tuesday evening accompanied by a nearby neighbor.  She had lived in our house for 6 years moving out in 2009.  We gave her a tour and she liked what we'd done to it, and she answered some questions Dan had. Before she left she asked about the peony she planted.  Turns out it was the one above that had been planted on the street side of the fence. I told her I'd moved it but it hadn't bloomed for me yet.  I asked her what kind it was and she said a maximus something. White blooms with pink inside.  I hope I get to see it bloom.
She also wondered hat happened to the lovely yellow rose that everyone in the Flat loved to see.  I've heard mention of this rose from another local person but have never seen it unless it was the rose growing by our side door that was struggling and we dug out.

 Postscript 2; Cold Update - I'm in Stage 5.  I've given the cold to Dan who has given me a touch of another bug (queasy stomach and vertigo).  So Stage 5 continues with coughing, runny nose and overall malaise.  When will it end?