Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Monday Morning Walk Plus

I have resolved to walk at least a half an hour each morning to build up my endurance after the hip issues I've had. Cortisone shots to both hips to deal with bursitis has helped  though one side effect was a stiff neck for more than a day.  

There's a nice walk on my road.

Here's the view heading back home.

This farm was once an active place but since it was purchased by some wealthy folks it has been stripped. One day recently large trucks were carting off the baled hay and silage.  I hope it was at least sold to other farmers.

Across the street was this barn where goats were milked and there was a farm store on Saturday where I'd buy eggs and meat.

View of the mountains. The lot in front once had a house on it but the owner who is also our lawn care guy was given an offer he couldn't refuse by those same wealthy folks.  The house was torn down.

Back home.

I wrote last week about the spring cleanup crew that was coming.  Here are the eight 6th & 7th graders plus one little brother, and 3 of the 5 parents who were here.  They said they had a great time and I was impressed with their work ethic

The new front bed expansion had the grass removed and new plants placed plus mulching.

This garden had all the leaves removed.

Lots of weeds and grass pulled from beds and a general tidying was done.

Here are some daffodils I didn't plant.

I think this blooming daffodil came from Vicki Lane.

All the dandelions and grass were pulled from here where the peony are getting taller and more varieties of daffodils should soon be opening.

So finally a question.  What to do with this poor excuse for a forsythia bush? I'm thinking that after it finishes blooming I will really cut it back.  Hopefully new growth next year will result in blooms.