Friday, November 10, 2023

First Snow and Where are the Birds?

We had snow very early Thursday morning that coated everything with maybe a half inch of that white stuff.

I have had my bird feeders up for almost a month.  Here in New Hampshire we take them down in spring when bears come out of hibernation and put them up when they go back into their dens for the winter.

There hasn't been much action at the feeders and I'm not sure why. On this snow day a few cardinals came by and a junco was on the ground but the usual traffic of chickadees and tufted titmouse was non-existent.

This morning we noticed tracks across the yard and deck.  It's an animal that drags its feet but don't know if that's raccoon or skunk or something else.

After exploring the deck it went down along the side of the house.  Of course it may have come from that direction.

Below are our tracks from yesterday.  Another animal made tracks from the barn to our deck but this one steps in its own tracks - hind foot in front foot track.  Is this a cat?