Saturday, June 10, 2023

Exeter, NH

We hadn't planned to take another mini vacation so soon after Halifax but when we were told we needed to be out of the house for 24 hours because of fumes after the basement walls were insulated with a foam spray and then painted, we decided to look for a part of NH where we hadn't spent any time.  We pulled out the map and selected the coastal area and once I started searching for accommodations, Exeter was chosen.  We opted for an AirBnB instead of hotel or inn or bed and breakfast.  It was a good decision, cheaper and with more space.  It was the best AirBnB we have experienced too. Check it out here.

Exeter dates to 1638.

Exeter is known for its prestigious private school Phillips Exeter Academy.  Don't know for sure but I imagine it's the major employer in the town.

Here's a smattering of the houses we saw most with plaques indicating when they were built and by whom.

The house is now the American Independence Museum telling the story of our independence from Great Britain and the role Exeter and its residents played during that time.

Here's just one of the exhibits.

Just a taste of what we saw and learned during our two night stay in Exeter,  NH.